Day 21

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It's Sunday again, and I hope you are ready for this year's treasure hunt!

To find out today's answer, you'll have to answer several questions, each of which leads you closer to the final answer. Do NOT write the answers in the answer field below! That one is only for the last answer, and you are told to send in the answer then!

All answers (except for the very last one) are dates. You always have to answer in the format yyyymmdd, thus today's date is 20141221. You then need to add this answer to the address in the address field above and press enter. So if the first question was about today's date, you'd go to - and there you'll get another question. This new answer must then be appended to the address. Careful: That is different from the last years, where you had to substitute the last part! So, if the second question was "When was the first St. Kaizers Day?", you would continue to - and so on.

Here's the first question:

When was Janove "The Jackal" Kaizer born?

Go to !

Enter only the final answer in the field below.

The correct answer:

How to get to the answer:

The final answer was the digit sum of all dates then.

82% (of 56) answered this question correctly.